Finally... the Ultimate Regenerative Farmers support & coaching community you have been looking for!

Welcome to your Regen Roadmap™!

Look no further, watch this video right now to get the regenerative farming support you need!

Let’s do this!

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been using “natural” (what the salesman says) fertilisers or “safe” weedicides or pesticides.

When you are using any form of chemical inputs you are destroying the biology (life) in your soil. You will see instant growth when you apply these inputs and when you try stop – pests come in, weeds grow dramatically, and so you have to keep using and using and you become addicted. And this is not only bad for the soil, but also bad for the business.

As you’re quickly finding out, fertilisers and chemical inputs cost higher and higher each year. As a farmer, you have no control over the market price or the rain or the law or even your produce yields, but there’s something that you can control… your soil. Let’s make your soil healthy again!

But hey, how would you suppose to take care of the soil if you’re not going to use fertilisers? No one in the neighborhood who doesn’t use fertilisers!

Errrm… nope. That’s why you need the right support and coaching community. Even over Zoom we can easily come together now in 2020!

Get Support You Can Count On & Trust

The Regen Roadmap Program is a platform for like-minded farmers who believes that farming with nature is the best way of farming. Thousands of farmers are already doing these around the world. And they were at the position where you at right now. You will encounter problems along the way but it won’t be hard, you’ll get help when you have the right people who are with you on this journey.

Your usage of chemical inputs
is killing your soil and your farm yields...

Sounds intense but this is what is happening.

With the years of experience working with Farming Secrets and with Helen and Hugo. Their decades of knowledge around regenerative farming and natural farming, moving away from chemical inputs – it became quite clear to me that everyone who is doing agriculture in a way that is not regeneratively, or biodynamic, or permaculture, or whatever the style of farming that has to do with chemical inputs is harming the soil, the biology, the food, health human and even mental health. We’ve seen so much evidence of this recently. 

It’s affecting the animals, the food, humans including you, and the planet. 

The whole system is messed up! (I wanted to use another word there…)

It’s by no fault of yours – it’s the way that the “old school” system was created from natural evolution and industrial agriculture just took its path and here we are.

The good news is there is still something we can do, to a brighter future for everyone and for the planet.

We can all change the world to a brighter future, one farmer, at a time.

It’s time to draw the line in the soil and switch to the “new school” of farming

Let’s make regenerative agriculture the new normal method of growing great yields. 

Regenerative agriculture is becoming a hot topic right now. We’re seeing documentaries being created for it, you’ll find thousands of information on youtube and on the internet is talking about it.

Big-name of celebrities and scientists working on journaling and releasing peer-reviewed studies on how soil works. And when we start to understand the very basics of farming and growing food, it almost a no-brainer because this is the way nature designed the system to work.

The classic example is the rainforest there is no one out there throwing chemicals, no one is tilling the soil, disturbing the ecosystem, it just naturally thrives on its own system. Our food can come from that same system… It’s healthier, it tastier, and it’s so much easy to grow food this way.

But… I hear you say!
You don’t know how to start?

You’re probably be saying this because this is the way how you’ve done farming for generations. And change is scary & daunting for people and that’s what’s great about Farming Secrets. You’ll get the support you need and know that you are not doing this alone.

Join Now. Become part of like minded farmers who GET you and Regen Ag.

Just imagine, farming without using fertilisers, pesticides, weedicides… save money and still getting the same (or higher) yields. Is that not the dream farm you always wanted?

Your soil becomes healthier and healthier, thus your produce becomes higher and higher each year… and that’s “regenerative ag“. It’s not just sustainable, it regenerates, it grows.

Do you want to be know as a regenerative farmer? Well it can start today… You need to start by knowing your goal and guided in the right direction. You will go through our Farming Secrets On-Boarding Program, where we will learn (together) where you at your farming business and your future… what does success look like for you, and how we can help you to get you there in the fast lane. 

Then, you will have access to hundreds of our farm tours where we film other farmers who have been successful in regenerative farming AND who are also in the “roadmap” phase, how they deal with problems using nature’s solutions. 

You will also get access to fortnightly Virtual Regen Classrooms, where the community can talk about their challenges, ideas and soil-utions! 

It only takes one individual to change our thinking. This is how Farming Secrets can help you. Hearing success stories of farmers and whatever success means to you.

If you’re sick of going from yield to yield broke, same money in and money out, mortgage repayment to mortgage repayment. If you’re sick of living a life where you’re stuck and held in a system and feel that there’s no other way.

Well, I’m here to share with you today that there is another way – a better way. It’s a new beginning. It’s a fresh start. It’s a new lease on life it’s about changing the farm between your ears. It’s about investing in yourself and the future of your farming business, our food system and the future of our currently sick planet and most important for future generations that you won’t even meet.

Our ancestors, our first nation utilized every aspect of our planet in a positive way they looked at observing the land, the sun patterns, the water patterns, the rivers which where the veins of life and to be frank, humans have gotten in the bloody way. We’ve complicated it, we thought we were smarter than nature, but we’re not.

Farming Secrets stands for change

We've got to let the system do its thing. So Farming Secrets has been working really hard to think about what can we do to help. What can we do to fast track this success of your journey - to fast track your learning to regenerative farming to a more natural way of farming where we don't rely on synthetic inputs and chemicals and you know killing the biology of our soil.

We only have 30 harvests left before our soil becomes dust. 

Research says that we only have about 30 cycles of yields left in the soil. The way that they’re being degraded, the way that water takes the topsoil away. The carbon, organic matter in soil has just been degraded – if we don’t start changing. That will be our future, that will be the future of our children.

But there is a way to rebuild that and bounce back – fast. Many farmers who are doing regenerative agriculture have realized that building soil happens a lot quicker than what everyone thought to happen. When the system is correct it just magically grows. So that’s why Farming Secrets has been putting together behind the scenes this “Regen Roadmap Program”. 

This is a shift in your mindset.

The reason why we put this together as a “roadmap” is because we know that moving regeneratively is a mindset shift of stages. It’s not about how to till or no-till or cover cropping – there is a lot of information online. You know as a farmer what you should be doing just as we as individuals know that we need to be more healthy eating and go to the gym but we don’t do it because it’s a mindset. The priorities are wrong.

And that’s why the Regen Roadmap Program is the solution for you.

Not only will we hold your hand through the process of going through this transformation but we are going to be that support that takes you through different ways of thinking get experts from all around the world to come and share their story. Share what worked for them. Inspire you to think differently to learn new ways of living. To appreciate and be grateful for what has happened on your farm today and know that it is a journey.



The Regen Roadmap™ is a support program – it’s a community of like-minded farmers, home growers and food eaters all going through the same thing from all around the world.

Technology has enabled us to connect in a way that has never been possible. 

There has never been a better time!
(well maybe 100 years ago)

There are documentaries about soil helath and the biology and the life that exists below our feet. Showing us all the magic that can happen when we work with nature.

So the time is… NOW

There’s never been a great time to start learning and discovering a better and easier way of farming your farm. And it may be a hobby farm, it may be a lifestyle farm, it may be a big commercial farm. It doesn’t matter. Even what climate you have does not matter or where you’re in the world you live. 

The great news is that soil works the same globally!

I’ve been seeing this first hand behind the scenes speaking to mentors who have been ahead of their time, innovating and pioneering this way of farming. What Farming Secrets recorded 10 years ago, is just as groundbreaking then as it is today. 

Why have we waited so long to wake up and do something about it?

I love it when I meet someone who says “I want to be a regenerative farmer”.
That is exactly what the world needs.

Don’t get confused and stuck with the how’s ,what’s, where’s and when – just commit that you want to be a regenerative farmer.

Your Regen Roadmap™ is your Journey

We'll go through the journey together to ensure that you set yourself up for success and be surrounded with other like-minded people that are going to be going through this journey with you.

Because at the end of the day we need community, we all need support. You need your tribe the village that you hang out with that’s going to take care of you. And with the technology we have, it doesn’t matter where you are in the world, we can and we will be that support for you.

I am MORE than happy to listen to and act on their advice to improve my farm’s health AND mine!! Here’s to the future !!
farming system
Kerry Sims
Farming secrets is an interactive source of information to improve profitability and pleasure in natural farming.
Allan Wood
Those of us who understand that we have to start doing things differently and are brave enough to actually start doing it differently, need a forum whereby we can support each other and learn from each other.
David Davidson
With the help and valuable knowledge that can be accessed via Farming Secrets organisation we hope to greatly improve our soil structure and grow crops and pasture with natural products.
Jennie, Peter & Anthony Hammon
I believe one of farming secrets greatest strengths is its ability to network like minded individuals. Those of us who have trodden the alternative path have often wished for a place we could go to find out what we didn’t know and then explore the possibility.
Bill Hill
Extremely valuable resource... it’s an ideal opportunity to learn from the environment is huge. I can’t encourage them enough… It’s not that it’s difficult to understand and it’s not overly time consuming either.
Lyn Kelson

Here’s what you’ll get inside The Program...

  • - Video Archive of Farm Tours with Regen Farmers
  • - Audio Interviews with Regen Farmers
  • - Access to Past & Future Webinar Replays
  • - Access to Farm Mentors & Trainers
  • - Weekly Gold Nuggets Summaries
  • - Lots of Bonus Material, Guides, Checklists & more!

Farm Tour Videos:

Compost & Compost Teas

(Worm, Thermal, BD)

Holistic Management

(Presentations/Field Days)

Farm/Land Management

(Sustainable, Regenerative, Holistic)

Soil Health

(Carbon, Nitrogen & Life in the Soil)

Dairy, Livestock, Pasture Cropping, Market Gardening

Natural Health Tips

(Animals, Humans, Homeopathy)

And More Farming Tools & Tips That Can Help You Gain More Profit with Less Stress!

Community Support on our Private Facebook Group & Zoom


Get all the support you need and share your regen farming journey with like-minded farmers all over the world in our private Facebook group and our fortnightly Virtual Regen Classroom Zoom Calls!

26 Zoom Calls Per Year

We all jump in a zoom meeting once a fortnight and help each other get unstuck, share our wins and what we need help with. We also have special guests join.

Call Replays Archive

If you can not make the zoom live you can catch the replay. Plus all past calls are archived in the members website for you to watch and discover past converations.

Ongoing Support & Mentors + access to a private Facebook Group

Get access to support and mentors to help you along your regen journey. We want you to succeed and will do everything we need to get you there. With more successful farmers doing regen ag the more the world will repair and heal.
Plus access to a private members only Facebook group we call the Fence Post so you can have a yarn with your new virtual neighbours who get what Regen Ag is all about! It's our safe space!


6 Modules

You will get a closer look at what goes on in a thermal compost pile, the different habitats that form and the importance of the different roles the microorganisms play. Understanding the balance of soil biology for the plant you are trying to grow. What are the disturbances to the ecosystem? A series of results from applying compost and compost teas. What are soil profile, soil depth, how far roots can go, soil horizons, importance of Calcium in the soil, compaction and how do you fix it. Types of compost, what should be present in the compost and how much compost to use. The content that you will learn from this course is a life changing.

12 Q&A Webinars with Transcripts

Recorded of Live Q&A Sessions with Dr. Elaine Ingham as she answers questions from participants. You'll be surprise that your questions might be in here too!

Plus Much Much More!

You'll get printable course resources of workbook and lesson transcripts. Downloadable Audio/MP3. “How to Make Organic Compost” Online Video. “Soil Biology Primer” Subjects. “What is Compost?” Audio/MP3. “What is Compost Tea?” Audio/MP3. “Digital Soil Health Card” and more bonuses!

Certificate of Completion

Get a printable certificate of completion to this course when you complete the course and pass the quiz.

8 Lessons

Through a series of video online lessons, you will go through everything that you will ever need to know on how to use your microscope effectively. You will learn what kind of microscope you should be getting, how to set it up, how get samples, what are the morphology of bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, nematodes and other materials in the soil. Best to take this if you already understand the value of life in the soil or after taking the Soil Food Web Course

Learning Resources

55 page Workbook and Lesson Transcripts. Access to the Microbe Gallery. Microscope Data Sheet. Soil Profile Starting Sheet. Getting Started List. List of Laboratories and Suppliers. Recommendations when buying a microscope.

Certificate of Completion

Get a printable certificate of completion to this course when you complete the course and pass the quiz.

6 Lessons

You will learn ecological soil fertility management principles. How to examine your soil profile and soil laboratory analysis. How to encouraging micro-organisms in soil. Biodynamic farming. Biological preparations and stimulants. Using manure and weed teas.

Exclusive Q&A Call with Alan!

Upon completing this course, you will have an opportunity to get your questions answered directly from Alan Broughton

Learning Resources

Workbook & Lesson Transcripts. Plus Quizzes.

Certificate of Completion

Get a printable certificate of completion to this course when you complete the course and pass the quiz.

8 Lessons

Discover Livestock Nutrition, Soil Fertility, The Importance of Macro & Micro Elements, Forage Diversity, Moulds & Mytotoxins, Parasites, Treating Livestock Ailments – herd & cow checks, mineral toxicity & deficiency, infertility, the action of herbs, common ailments.

Learning Resources

Workbook and Lesson Transcripts. Self-correcting Quizes.

Certificate of Completion

Get a printable certificate of completion to this course when you complete the course and pass the quiz.

5 Lessons

You will learn how to build soil health and soil organic matter. How to deal with Pests and Diseases - without chemicals. How to manage Weed, Ground Cover and Cover Crop Management. New science and practice to improve yields and lower costs. New Techniques in Low Till and Rotational Grazing Management.

Learning Resources

Workbook and Lesson Transcripts. Self-correcting Quizes. Bonus Video: Regenerative Agriculture Building Resilience In A Changing Climate.

Certificate of Completion

Get a printable certificate of completion to this course when you complete the course and pass the quiz.

Get your Regen Journey on The Right Track

Let’s take a recap…

BUT... today you won't even pay half of that price $3,157


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US$ 97 Per Month
Month to Month Access
  • Includes Summit Replay Access
  • Farm Tours Videos
  • Farm Tours Downloadable MP3s
  • Gold Nuggets (Printable PDFs)
  • Past & Future Webinar Replays
  • Exclusive Access to all our Experts
  • Unlimited Email Support
  • One-on-one On-boarding Call
  • Private Support FB Group
  • 21 Day Soil Challenge Tool Box
  • Access to ALL COURSES


Pay now and get access for 12 months!
US$ 970 Per Year
2 Months Free
  • Includes Summit Replay Access
  • Farm Tours Videos
  • Farm Tours Downloadable MP3s
  • Gold Nuggets (Printable PDFs)
  • Past & Future Webinar Replays
  • Exclusive Access to all our Experts
  • Unlimited Email Support
  • One-on-one On-boarding Call
  • Private Support FB Group
  • 21 Day Soil Challenge Tool Box
  • Access to ALL COURSES

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Take action now and
get access to everything including all future courses, farm tours, webinars and more

You are reading this for a reason, it's time to take action!

We hope that you make the right choice for your farm and do it regeneratively so we leave this planet better than the way that we found it. Lots of love and happy farming!

Soil is global and so is Farming Secrets
Our community & mentors are from all parts of the world 🌍
all working together 🐝 for healthy soils 🌿

Our No Risk Money Back Guarantee

Our products and services are  fully guaranteed. We provide a 100% guarantee that if after 30 days of participating in the membership you are not happy with any aspect of the service your money will be returned in full and you can keep any bonuses you have already received.

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