Bigger yields and sustainable methods with regenerative farming

Regenerative farming is one of the main methods of sustainable farming that we like to promote here at Farming Secrets. It allows farms to thrive without the use of chemicals and can potentially give farmers bigger yields once the process solidifies itself.

In a nutshell, regenerative agriculture aims to incorporate conservation and rehabilitation into farming practices, so that less material is going to waste and the impact on the environment is reduced.

As the population grows and the strain on farmers increases, with pressure to produce bigger and bigger yields, regenerative farming techniques become increasingly important.

When done properly, regenerative farming leads to bigger yields over time

The idea behind regenerative farming is to improve biodiversity in the area, make improvements to the water cycle, benefit the surrounding ecosystem, regenerate topsoil and generally build up a higher defence against the effects of climate change through stronger, healthier and more fertile soil.

While it’s a common misconception that regenerative farming is an uphill battle, many don’t realise that the yield actually increases over time when regenerative farming is done properly. This is because the topsoil deepens, causing production to increase and thus less external compost is required. The yield is directly related to the nutritional quality of the compost materials.

Regenerative farming involves recycling as much farm waste as possible, as well as adding nutrient-rich compost from other sources outside the farm. Practices such as grass-fed livestock, agroforestry, compost tea, cover cropping, thermal compost and ecological aquaculture are all forms of regenerative farming.

Regenerative farming means nutrient-rich and chemical-free food for the future generation

At Farming Secrets, we are strong advocates of regenerative farming practices, as they allow farmers to produce healthier foods, enjoy more profits over time and make less of an impact on the surrounding environment.

By making the switch from chemical fertilizers to regenerative farming methods, the future generation can enjoy more nutrient-rich food and farmers can enjoy higher yields as their farms’ topsoil deepens over time and naturally increases production.

We have no shortage of experienced farmers and agriculture experts explaining how the process of regenerative farming is beneficial for everyone involved, and why it allows for yields to increase over time, which is ideal for large-scale commercial farming.

To learn more about the importance of regenerative farming and how to implement regenerative farming practices into your own farm, browse our organic farming resources page or check out our online store for a wide variety of useful reading material and instructional Films on how regenerative farming benefits the environment, the consumers and the farmers themselves!


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