Jerry Brunetti – Food as Medicine – Testimonial – Alan Hewitt Jerry Brunetti’s presentation is recorded in full and is one compelling story! To claim your copy “Food As Medicine” head straight to our store: Jerry Brunetti’s presentation is recorded in full and is one compelling story! To claim your copy “Food As Medicine” head straight to our store: Jerry Brunetti’s presentation is recorded in full and is one compelling story! To claim your copy “Food As Medicine” head straight to our store: Arden says that most farmers think that we have insects because they haven?t been sprayed. Is this true? See the topic summary and see what?s in it for you. Arden is passionate about good nutrition in your diet. How will you get presents Dr. Elaine Ingham speaking about why every famer will benefit out of her Film course “True Fertility Workshop – Combining Soil Biology, Chemistry presents Dr. Elaine Ingham sharing ideas about how to get compost and compost tea out in difficult areas. Elaine even talks about how to presents Dr. Elaine Ingham talking with Peter and Michael Doyne about their lilium farm. Peter asks Elaine – How do we get rid of presents Dr. Elaine Ingham discussing how do you control weeds without herbicides? Paul lists his weeds which Elaine indicates arrises from the soil conditions presents Dr. Elaine Ingham gives her advice to Rob Sutherland of De Bortoli Wines on companion planting in the vineyard. This includes the advantages presents Dr. Elaine Ingham discussing the soil pH for blueberries. The pH of soil is a biologically active soil is not important. Listen to presents Dr. Elaine Ingham discussing how elemental sulphur is a fungicide. Listen as Elaine explains the damage elemental sulphur does to the soil. There presents Gerhard Grasser’s “True Soil Fertility – The New NPK”. What Is The Carbon Cycle? presents Gerhard Grasser’s “True Soil Fertility – The New NPK”. What is Photosynthesis? What Does It Mean To Farming? This is a cycle that presents Gerhard Grasser’s “True Soil Fertility – The New NPK”. Why Farmers use a Brix Meter? Listen as Gerhard Grasser explains their value in presents Gerhard Grasser’s “True Soil Fertility – The New NPK”. The Phosphorous Cycle How does it work? What does it mean to farming? presents Gerhard Grasser’s “True Soil Fertility – The New NPK”. What Is The New NPK? This is a cycle that all farmers should know presents Gerhard Grasser’s “True Soil Fertility – The New NPK”. How Deep Do Your Roots Go? Why do we accept shallow root growth and presents GM Secret Plant Business, featuring Dr. Maarten Stapper. Discover the myths behind the GM crop trend and how detrimental its effects can be.
As Soil Lovers we respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of all the lands on which we work and pay our respects to the Elders past present and emerging.
When caring for your land take a moment in stillness to respect the wisdom your land is sharing with you.
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