ABOUT Kylie Newberry

Farming Secrets Mentor
Company: Our Food System
Mentorship Topic: Food System

Who is Kylie Newberry?

Kylie is a writer, speaker, consultant, coach and founder of Our Food System™. She graduated from City University, London in 2011 with a Master’s degree in Food Policy.

Her passion lies in transforming the food system to deliver a range of health, environmental, social and economic outcomes. She does this through many mechanisms including working with individuals, community groups and organisations. In 2019, Kylie wrote and lectured a brand new course in Food Citizenship at Queensland University of Technology, within the B. Nutrition and Dietetics. Kylie was recently a semi-finalist in the global Food Systems Vision Prize, for their team’s submission, Brisbane Food City.

She is the Director of the Community Supported Agriculture Network Australia & New Zealand. Kylie raises awareness of the ways in which people can help build and support a healthy, sustainable and fairer food system at ourfoodsystem.com. She believes that by changing the way we think of ourselves to food citizens we have the power to create a better food system for both people and planet.


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