Category: Experts


Do They Actually Test?

Poisoning Our Children: The Parent’s Guide to the Myths of Safe Pesticides by Andre Leu. Shows us there is a need to start reviewing pesticides and getting rid of pesticides that are endocrine disruptors, hormone disruptors that affects us.

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What Sort of Society Poisons its Children?

To help parents sort out truth from myth, André Leu, showed on his book Poisoning Our Children: The Parent’s Guide to the Myths of Safe Pesticides, it discuss how chemicals and pesticides affects the development of the body, from birth till grown man.

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It Has To Start With Love

That’s what we do at FoodLab Detroit. We provide technical assistance. We provide mentorship. We provide support to entrepreneurs in Detroit who are looking to use the power of business to solve a problem, a food-related problem, in the city of Detroit.

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All Diseases Begin In The Gut

The good bacteria also play a very important role in detoxification. They’re like the garbage trucks of the gut. They go through, pick up all the rubbish, and then shunt it out through the faeces.

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