ABOUT Gerhard Grasser

Company: Agricultural Solutions Australia
Mentorship Topic: Sustainable Farming

Who is Gerhard Grasser?

Gerhard Grasser is the managing director of Agricultural solutions Australia.The philosophy and motivation of AgriSolutions largely stems from the passion and beliefs of the Managing Director, Gerhard Grasser. His passion for natural living and sustainable agricultural practices is unsurprisingly extended to those around him and hence the business was formed and grown substantially.

His passion to teach others about natural alternatives for the environment and particularly farming never waned and this drive has lead him to expand his own knowledge and skills to meet the increasing demands of this “mentoring” role.

AgriSolutions is becoming recognised as a reputable advisory service for farm management practices both within Gippsland and steadily expanding throughout other regions of Australia. Its growth has been determined over the long term by the company’s willingness to educate its customers and develop a sense of trust and integrity rather than just as an avenue to sell product.

Driven by the principles and philosophies of natural fertility and health management -on a personal, farm, catchment and global basis – AgriSolutions works in close liaison with its customers to support a successful holistic approach to any growing situation. It is these values that underpin the connection that the farmer client has with his immediate environment and the responsibility he has nurturing the natural resource base on behalf of future generations.

Today the management of AgriSolutions can claim some 15 years of continuous development, sales and service to all sectors of agriculture, turf and home growers involving leading independent laboratories to analyse soils, plants and water.

Unique to Farming Secrets is his Film “Easy Steps to making Compost Tea” and “True Soil Fertility – The New NPK. Farming Deeper Is Cheaper

Gerhard Grasser – Easy Steps to making Compost Tea

In this presentation you will find out why conventional fertilisers are being surpassed by natural, simple biological nutrients. You are blessed to be shown by Gerhard how to make simple fertilisers which when applied unlock the key between the plant and the natural underground nutrient delivery system – the soil microbes.

Most likely you have seen some aspects of this activity but taken from another angle is well worth revisiting and reviewing. As it is said, sometimes you need to see things 4 times to actually get what is being said.

Stock Supplements – Farmers Reveal Easy Ways

For many years Hugo Disler has been making farmers aware of mineral stock supplementation for animals. He was an early on advocate of the ‘Pat Coleby lick’ and was one of few retailers in the 1970’s who supplied the basic ingredients for the lick. However through experience he realised, as Pat has, that offering individual choice was the way to go. Animals instinctively know what is best for them, so why not let them choose? Free choice supplementation is, according to Hugo, the easiest, quickest and most cost effective way to maximise animal health.

True Soil Fertility – The New NPK. Farming Deeper Is Cheaper

This presentation is a simple, clear message for ALL farmers who want to know where to start when farming without chemicals. Through a series of questions Gerhard asks you: What is soil? What is soil health? How do you measure it? What is the difference between soil tests? What are the phosphorus & carbon cycles? How do you know if your soil is healthy? How do you get a good pasture growing? And lots more probing questions. Above all if you are going to use chemicals, ask yourself why? Are there other ways of dealing with the problem? Gerhard clearly shows you that there is!

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