ABOUT Jean Belstead

Company: (Personal)
Mentorship Topic: Homeopathy

Who is Jean Belstead?

A little bit about Jean Belstead:

Farming background: dairy, show horses, sheep, sheep dogs, goats. Always close to Nature, so a natural progression to herbs, flower essences and homoeopathy at age 22. So that means I’ve had 40 years experience with natural remedies, a sobering thought.I work with humans and animals. I do Reiki and Foot massage.

Kinesiology is my tool when I prescribe remedies for clients.I brought up 5 kids for the most part on my own. I used my herbal knowledge on them, and apart from broken bones and a bout of whooping cough during an epidemic, the doctor has been used very little – and then I was told with whooping cough that he couldn’t do any more for the kids than I was doing, go home and keep it up. Youngest daughter is 15 and never been to the doctor.

My dispensary has over 450 homoeopathic simplexes; 80 herbal tinctures; nearly 100 flower essences; and 50 essential oils.

I’ve supplied farmers with homoeopathic formulas for 24 years.

Future gunna-do: Flower essences to add to foliar sprays to enhance the energies of the soil and plants.

When not doing this I enjoy gardening, patch-work quilting and writing.”

Jean has been a regular contributor to our Farming Secrets Digest since Digest No. 12.

Unique to Farming Secrets is her Film “Homoeopath Saves Farmers Time & Money Spent On Animals

Jean Belstead – Homoeopath Saves Farmers Time & Money Spent On Animals

Includes a phone consult with Jean

Jean Belstead met Ron and Bev Smith many years ago when Ron was having problems with mastitis in one of his dairy cows. Jean, a local homeopath showed Ron her homeopathic treatment for mastitis and Ron hasn’t looked back! He is a firm believer and follower of using homeopathy to prevent illnesses and also to relieve stress and trauma both in animals and humans. For over 40 years Jean has been practising homeopathy with both humans and animals. She is a great believer in natural remedies and incorporates reiki and foot masssage as well as kinesiology when prescribing remedies for her many clients.


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