Category: GM


Unconscionable Police Raid on Family’s Home and Organic Food Co-Op

e the bill on organic farming & with out prejudice against , any one , to say that it is not on the drawing board to try to control organic farming & this is only a stepping stone to the next phase of controlling all farming it is being done by stealth , and if any one thinks this is not on the agenda then they need to pull their out of the sand & start thinking for themselves & don`t be fooled by window dressing that the powers that be con those of you who allow them to do so ,, check out the article on the web site below you might find it interesting

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ATTENTION ORGANIC FARMERS : (bill HR 875) Set to Criminalize Organic Faming!! TAKE ACTION NOW!!

US House and Senate are about (in a week and a half) to vote on a bill that
> will OUTLAW ORGANIC FARMING (bill HR 875). There is an enormous rush to get
> this into law within the next 2 weeks before people realize what is
> happening.
> Main backer and lobbyist is Monsanto – chemical and genetic engineering
> giant corporation (and Cargill, ADM, and about 35 other related
> agri-giants). This bill will require organic farms to use specific
> fertilizers and poisonous insect sprays dictated by the newly formed agency
> to “make sure there is no danger to the public food supply”. This will
> include backyard gardens that grow food only for a family and not for sales!
> Scroll down for more details on the bill.
> Scroll down for WHAT YOU CAN DO.
> If this passes then NO more heirloom clean seeds but only Monsanto
> genetically altered seeds that are now showing up with unexpected diseases
> in humans.

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