Five Proven Promotion Strategies To Take Your Regenerative Farming Brand to the Next Level Today

If you’re a regenerative farming expert, marketing a brand can seem next to impossible. You can know how agriculture works and how to rebuild depleted soil without being comfortable with the internet. 

We understand the difficulty of turning your focus to marketing your brand, but it doesn’t have to be a challenging task. Passion and focused interests can be a lynchpin of marketing for brands

Today, we’ll show you five main parts of a successful promotion strategy and how each is an effective strategy in its own right. Let’s get into it.

#1- Build Community Awareness
With Personal Selling

In an age of digitally-driven product promotion, many overlook the power of personal selling. De-personalizing your company is a grievous mistake. When you’re marketing a brand, it needs your personal touch. 

Ask yourself, what is regenerative farming to the general public? 

Customers who already have an interest in sustainable living can probably tell you exactly what it is. 

People who know little about the topic may come to associate you with regenerative agriculture as a whole. As Richard Perkins is the epitome of regenerative techniques to many farmers, you may be that for others.

Don’t be overenthusiastic about avoiding farmers markets, agriculture events, or speaking engagements. Regenerative farming is about conscience and passion, and you’ll inevitably become the face of your brand.

Frequent places where you can engage your customers directly. It’s the best way to build a loyal customer base. 

If your business is primarily digital, make content to engage your clientele. Connect on social media, respond to comments, and keep things personal where possible.

#2 - Reach Out to Consumers Using
Targeted Advertising

Advertising will always hold a place in marketing a brand. Traditional marketing types targeted digital marketing, and word of mouth all have their uses in the advertising sphere.

The key to efficiently advertising your brand is targeting. If you hope to reach it, you need to know who your intended market is. It would help if you had a detailed buyer persona.

A buyer persona is a generalised idea of your ideal customer. You can have one or multiple buyer personas depending on the groups that you target. 

If you have an organic fruit and veg farm that also grows microgreens, you have several possible focuses. 

You could target fruitarians who wish to purchase high-quality, sustainably grown fruits. You could also focus on health-conscious gourmet stores that incorporate microgreens and fruits into their smoothies.

Research is the main thrust behind this step, so here are a few tips to help you narrow things down:

  • Read market research to help narrow down potential targets.
  • Survey your existing client base to give you insight into what drives them.
  • Theorise about potential markets, and research them specifically.

Once you know what your ideal customer is like, use that information to create targeted ads. From social media to print media and sales copy, a solid buyer persona will drive your ads further.

Remember to:

  • Incorporate imagery that appeals to your target audience.
  • Use catchphrases that are popular with your intended tribe.
  • Explain how restorative farming drives your brand.  
  • Advertise in places your target is likely to visit
  • Use digital targeted ads to focus on your ideal market

#3 - Get Your Products to the People With Effective Sales Promotion

Advertising will always hold a place in marketing a brand. Traditional marketing types targeted digital marketing, and word of mouth all have their uses in the advertising sphere.

The key to efficiently advertising your brand is targeting. If you hope to reach it, you need to know who your intended market is. It would help if you had a detailed buyer persona.

A buyer persona is a generalised idea of your ideal customer. You can have one or multiple buyer personas depending on the groups that you target. 

If you have an organic fruit and veg farm that also grows microgreens, you have several possible focuses. 

You could target fruitarians who wish to purchase high-quality, sustainably grown fruits. You could also focus on health-conscious gourmet stores that incorporate microgreens and fruits into their smoothies.

Research is the main thrust behind this step, so here are a few tips to help you narrow things down:

  • Read market research to help narrow down potential targets.
  • Survey your existing client base to give you insight into what drives them.
  • Theorise about potential markets, and research them specifically.

Once you know what your ideal customer is like, use that information to create targeted ads. From social media to print media and sales copy, a solid buyer persona will drive your ads further.

Remember to:

  • Incorporate imagery that appeals to your target audience.
  • Use catchphrases that are popular with your intended tribe.
  • Explain how restorative farming drives your brand.  
  • Advertise in places your target is likely to visit
  • Use digital targeted ads to focus on your ideal market

#4 - Use Direct Marketing to Target Your Tribe

Professional marketers know that sales copy is one of the best weapons at their disposal.

Cold email, the act of sending emails directly to potential clients, can be a helpful tool. Sending sales emails to potential clients and business partners can increase your brand’s following by as much as 30%. 

How do you get access to email addresses for cold email? 

  • Look up people and companies that match your buyer persona.
  • Use digital outreach to accumulate email addresses.
  • Reach out to followers of your general newsletters and blog.
  • Ask existing followers to put you in touch with like-minded people.

Whether it’s standard sales copy, digital content or email marketing, remember these things:

  • Value is king. You’ll reach more people by offering valuable content than with spam.
  • Personalise. No-one likes feeling like they’re just another on your list. The sustainable living community, perhaps more than others, prefers a personalised approach. Using a person’s or company’s name in your email subject increases the open rate by up to 10%.
  • Follow Up. Whether it’s email marketing or general content, following up increases your conversion.
  • Use catchy opening lines and subject lines. Before you can show people what your regenerative farming brand offers, you must get their attention.
  • Cultivate FOMO. Fear of missing out is a weapon to any good promotion. Make potential clients see what they might not get, and they’ll be clamouring to follow you.

Sales copy and cold email are fantastic tools, but never lose sight of your vision.
Regenerative farming is about caring for the earth, so get your tribe’s attention and then touch their hearts.

#5 - Tell Your Story With Well-Planned Publicity

Publicity has always been an integral part of promotion. For regenerative farming brands, appearances are paramount.

You need excellent publicity to get your brand going, but without making you seem commercialistic. The best way to get the publicity you need is to tell your brand’s story.

To appeal to a close-knit community like the sustainable living tribe, you need to show them:

  • Your origins and what drew you to restorative agriculture.
  • Your vision and purpose.
  • How you sustainably produce crops.
  • The things that differentiate you from traditional farming.
  • That you’re passionate about growing healthy crops, not just out for profit.

If you take your story to the right places, you can get a lot of positive exposure. 

Consider approaching social media influencers to help you spread your origin story. They already have massive followings and won’t accept unless your brand will appeal to their following.

Many YouTube channels have a focus on sustainable living and regenerative agriculture. A single interview with a well-established interviewer can launch you into the spotlight.

External publicity is excellent, but don’t neglect your brand’s social media, blog, and websites. Promotion can help you gain followers, but consistently sharing your passion will retain them.

You're Just Steps Away from a Comprehensive Brand Promotion Strategy, Get Started Today

While marketing a brand may seem complex at first, anyone can do it. With some dedication and minimal effort, you can build a sustainable legacy.

Sustainable living and regenerative agriculture are slowly touching the hearts and minds of the public. Now is the time to bring your brand to the fore, so don’t delay.

Remember the five promotion strategies:

  1. Sharing your story through publicity.
  2. Targeting your tribe with direct marketing.
  3. Using sales promotions to get your products to the people.
  4. Reaching consumers with target advertising.
  5. Building awareness using personal selling.

As you embark on this journey of brand marketing, never forget that these things are tools. Your focus should remain on producing quality produce that doesn’t harm the earth. 

Branding often falls back to finding the right tribe or smallest marketable audience. You need to find or build a community that shares your passion for restorative agriculture.

Don’t forget. You are the best representation of your brand. People will associate you with the things you say and do, so show them the picture you want to see.

Now that you have the tools at your disposal don’t delay. Start marketing your regenerative farming brand today; your; your tribe is dying to meet you.

Tip #5. Are you increasing your soil carbon levels?

We explain how to increase your soil carbon levels
PLUS see the full 10 Tips in this Guide!

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