Grassland Restoration Project
These are Sneak Peeks of the 8th Stipa National Native Grasslands Field Trip: First Stop at ‘Pantawalba’, a grazing property establishing introduced C4 grasses.
These are Sneak Peeks of the 8th Stipa National Native Grasslands Field Trip: First Stop at ‘Pantawalba’, a grazing property establishing introduced C4 grasses.
Soil organic carbon is involved at all scales in soil structural integrity, which feeds into the macroscopic properties needed for “healthy soil”. Soil carbon increases
The brush stems were placed on the soil surface and oriented carefully on the contour to intercept overland flow, sediment and plant litter. Kangaroos don’t
Rehabilitation of dysfunctional landscape requires an analysis of the current ecosystem, identifying the cause of the problem, not just describing the symptoms.
Leichhardt in 1844 marvelled at the fresh, useful grasses and clear water due to the aboriginal use of fire. Bill Gammage is one of the
Early maps of inland Australia show that galahs were mainly living inland, away from the coastal areas. Why? Listen to Bill Gammage as he relates
Prior to 1788 aborigines skilfully used fires for ecological benefit. Now fires have become devastating killers due to this lack of management. Fire was a
Graeme Hand explains what animals do to break up the soil. He speaks of the trial used to show the potential of native grassland recovery.
The secret is understanding the value of native pastures and planning for long rest times.
Anna and Michael now can manage 1000’s of hectares and keep their grazing costs to a minimum due to knowing how to manage their cattle and realise the value of native pastures.
Dr Fred Provenza has spent much of his life observing and managing animal nutritional behaviour. It is all made to look so simple once it
NSW Farmer of the year, Norm Smith plans his farm activities along with his family needs too. He well deserves his recent recognition for his outstanding successes.
The Need To Think Of The Whole Farm System Graeme Hand presents a crucial part of holistic farming when he discusses the rotation of the
Management Is A Key Factor In Regenerating Grassland Using just livestock only it is possible to turn bare paddocks into native grassland. This is a
What Are The Benefits Of Holistic Management? Graeme Hand introduces us to the urgency of using animals as a critical step in regenerating our farms.
Stipa members field day – Thursday, 30 April 2009 Andrew Mosley from Cobar presented at the Stipa conference in November. The Mosleys have regenerated over
As Soil Lovers we respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of all the lands on which we work and pay our respects to the Elders past present and emerging.
When caring for your land take a moment in stillness to respect the wisdom your land is sharing with you.
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