Immune System and Land Management

A strong and healthy immune system is now more critical than ever. The majority of our immune system is generated in our gut. It requires a wide variety of healthy gut bacteria for optimal function – our Microbiome. The healthier and more diverse the Microbes in our gut, the stronger our immune system and the healthier we are.

The quality of our Microbiome is directly dependent on the nutrient density and the Microbiome of the foods we eat, going all the way down the food chain to the microbes in the soil. The healthier the soils and the more diverse the bacteria living in it, the more nutrient-dense and microbially varied our foods, the healthier we are.

A diverse Microbiome does not only make us healthier but also happier. The microbes in our gut are pivotal in regulating neurotransmitters, Seratonin amongst them – the happy chemical – a natural anti-depressant and a powerful immune system improver.

So ultimately, our health and emotional wellbeing are dependent on the quality of the soils our food grows in.

High plant diversity is needed for healthy plant diversity in the soil. Monocultures weaken the microbes in the ground and suppress our cell growth which weakens our bodies’ defenses against pathogenic intruders.

In farming, this is nothing new – a growing community of regenerative farmers focuses on the improvement of soil biology, water systems, and diversity below and above ground. They produce nutrient-dense foods and improve carbon sequestration at the same time.

But what remains largely unknown is the role of the soils around us – our environmental Microbiome. The quality of the soils around us is equally important to our health and the strength of our immune system as to the soils our food grows in. Just by being surrounded by healthy soils the diversity of the bacteria on our skin increases. The more diverse the bacteria on our skin the higher the count of leucocytes in our blood – an indicator for a strong and potent immune system.

Now, if the environment soil with a diverse microbial community makes us healthier and happier and soil with a poor microbial community suppresses cell growth and weakens our immune system – shouldn’t we then not manage ALL land in our environment regeneratively? Shouldn’t our goal be to diversify the Microbiome in our environment to enhance health – and happiness? Anywhere, no matter the use? Backyards, Schoolyards, Parks, Mining sites, Golf Courses, Roadsides, farms?

I cannot see one single reason speaking against it.

Managing Land regeneratively is amazingly easy and economical. All it requires is a different mindset and changing the focus to what is going on below the ground. A buoyant life below ground will take care of a vibrant life above ground – for plants, animals, and humans alike.

So let’s push for Regenerative Land Management as the new normal for all landholders, private and public, great and small, to improve the health of all of us.

Want to dig deeper into soils?

The Soil Learning Center is a hub of resources for farmers & growers who are on the regenerative journey. A platform created by soil lovers at Farming Secrets Media Group.

The goal of Soil Learning Center is just that: creating a central online space bringing together resources, education, content and inspiration, to better your growing practices, boost profits and product quality with an emphasis on sustainability and promote freedom from climate change.

For today’s modern farmers, you can’t afford to not know about regenerative farming and how these practices can help you succeed. 

We’ll also discuss successful stories from other farmers and growers who have found their unique solutions using nature’s tools with this new form of agriculture. 

Tip #5. Are you increasing your soil carbon levels?

We explain how to increase your soil carbon levels
PLUS see the full 10 Tips in this Guide!

4 Responses

  1. Hi, thanks for your posts.
    I enjoy reading them, however I haven’t read all of them.
    I want to check with you- Have you posted anything about mycorrhizae fungi, and how they benefit the soil and plants? If not then maybe I can introduce a colleague to you- he specialises in mycorrhizae. Kind Regards Brett Townsend

    1. Best to use our search box to find content, we have so much! We also welcome introductions to new experts. Please email us.

  2. This is fascinating, encouraging and so affirming to read this! Does the author have supporting documentation? It is so necessary for an uniformed public.

    “The quality of the soils around us is equally important to our health and the strength of our immune system as to the soils our food grows in. Just by being surrounded by healthy soils the diversity of the bacteria on our skin increases. The more diverse the bacteria on our skin the higher the count of leucocytes in our blood – an indicator for a strong and potent immune system.”

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