Who is Tony Evans?
Camperdown Compost began 13 years ago when Tony Evans and his business partner Nick Routson sought a way to utilise local dairy waste.
They set up a licensed facility to take organic waste streams from a couple of different dairy factories. That material was then initially used for worms and producing worm castings. And it sort of evolved into a compost site where we still use some worms, but predominantly it’s for composting now.
And then they met Elaine Ingham in about 1999 or thereabouts and started to then put together how they could best utilise the waste in an agricultural system.
Today Camperdown Compost is working closely with over 70 dairy farmers going onfarm with their compost turners and converting the waste to valuable organic matter.
Website: www.camperdowncompost.com.au
Home » Successful Farmers and Mentors » Tony Evans
Dr. Elaine Ingham – Dairy Farmers Discover The Unexpected Profits & Extra Benefits
This Film is all about compost and the unintended results from getting the soil biology going. Can farming really be as simple as this?
Appearing on this Film:
Dr. Elaine Ingham (SFI & Rodale institute), Tony Evans & Nick Routson (Camperdown Compost), Tom Walsh (Timboon Vet), Dairy farmers Andrew and Linda Whiting, Tim McGlade, Graham Clay, Reggie and Geoff Davis.
Dr Elaine Ingham – Compost – Just do it!
World leader in practical, farm friendly, soil microbiology. Established 12 Soil Foodweb (SFI) laboratories worldwide. Now millions of acres being farmed under her system. Listen as she talks to 270 keen farmers who gathered to hear her principles. It is these principles that had the local farmers slash input costs by over 50%, increase production, pasture and animal health. The take home message was COMPOST to get the soil life going.
Can farming be so simple?
Introduction by Tony Evans who makes compost onfarm with dairy farmers.
Camperdown Compost knows the Difference: With and Without Compost
Tony Evans has continually tested farms with and without compost and the results are convincing! It is obvious why farmers are lining up to join the programme at Camperdown COmpost!
Camperdown Dairy farm business has turned back to nature with compost
Composting improved profits at Camperdown. Here’s a real story of Graham Clay as they turned back the business to nature.
Camperdown Dairy farmers get great results from Compost Part 4 of 4
Do you want much deeper plant roots and improved soil structure PLUS slash your costs on inputs? Then pay attention to the benefits of compost which Graham has already experienced.
Camperdown Dairy farmers get great results from Compost Part 3 of 4
Graham will use less and less salt based fertilisers as the compost takes effect in the soil. He is also seeing clover return and rye grass disappearing.
Camperdown Dairy farmers get great results from Compost Part 2 of 4
How does Graham know that he has the right biology in his compost? Dr Elaine Ingham gives her advice.
Camperdown Dairy farmers get great results from Compost Part 1 of 4
Should Graham put out lots of compost or should he add more biology into his compost? Dr Elaine Ingham gives her advice.
ABC Landline – Biological Farming features Tony Evans, Camperdown Compost
I think the price shock of 2008 really brought that message home starkly to a lot of farmers. When the price of oil went up, the price of fertilisers went up and I think the future then became writ large for a lot of producers when they thought, “OK, well if this is what’s going to happen to fertiliser prices in the future, am I going to be able to respond, am I going to be able to maintain profitability in the face of this or is there a better way to farm?”
Farming Secrets – Walk The Talk – Future Dairy 2011 – Clip 3 of 6
Tony Evans briefly outlines his nutrient program for the Whiting?s dairy farm. Do your cows pull out tufts of grass when grazing? Andrew?s did so
Farming Secrets – Walk The Talk – Future Dairy 2011 – Clip 2 of 6
Tom Walsh Introduces Tony Evans of Camperdown Compost Company who is turning dairy waste into compost on farm. Hear a basic overview of how Tony