Camperdown Compost knows the Difference: With and Without Compost

Here’s Hugo Disler of Farming Secrets on site with Tony Evans asking Tony more about the way Camperdown Compost works and of the results that they are seeing.
Tony told Hugo that he has observed one dairy paddock that had used compost for three years and had 87 percent mycorrhizal fungi colonisation on the roots of the pasture. Whereas the one next door, without compost use, had only 9 percent mycorrhizal fungi. This is phenomenal!
He says that replacing fertiliser with compost is generally gradual, with many farmers still choosing to use liquid nitrogen as well as the compost, to give pastures a boost.

To read more go straight to the article from Weekly Times News:
Compost rules in southwest

If you still wish to know more then Farming Secrets has filmed the lot! For as little as $97 you con not only see the results that Camperdown Compost has achieved and learn HOW they did this, you can listen and watch 4 dairy farmers who are over the moon with their results.
To purchase the
Fast Track your Farming Film
Please visit: and click on the Fast Track section

Tip #5. Are you increasing your soil carbon levels?

We explain how to increase your soil carbon levels
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