Soil biology: from knowledge to decision makingWhen Thursday 11 October from 9.30am – 3.00pm |
Featuring key note speaker Dr Damian Bougoure
Research Scientist, BioSciences Research Division, Soil Biology Group, DPI Victoria Damian is a molecular microbial ecologist and is involved in a range of projects across several primary industry sectors with funding from GRDC, Dairy Australia and GWRDC. The projects Damian works on all seek to answer questions about soil microbial communities in terms of structure and function and how microbes respond to variations such as soil type and land management. These projects use cutting edge technologies to answer complex problems. |
Biology from a farmer’s perspective
Graeme Nicoll – Dairy Farmer and Nuffield Scholar, Fish creek Graeme and Shawn are both passionate about their role of producing food and caring for the environment. They both have a good understanding of soil biology and will discuss their approaches to managing soil within that context. |
Compost in the modern farming system
Mark Samblebe – Gippsland Water Soils and Organic Recycling Facility While some farmers are incorporating home-made compost, the increasing volume of large scale recycling of organic waste streams is presenting opportunities for agriculture. Mark will talk about the latest developments at the SORF, the trials and logistics involved. |
Grazing management is King!
Greg Forster – Forster Rural Consulting The West Gippsland CMA is supporting a number of discussion groups and farm trials where extended and crash grazing are the focus. Greg will discuss how these techniques may improve root depth, biological activity, nutrient accessibility and soil carbon. |
Soil Carbon Research
Doug Crawford – DPI The DPI recently surveyed soil carbon stocks in West Gippsland under its Victorian Soil Carbon Program, in collaboration with the national Soil Carbon Research Program led by CSIRO. Doug will present the latest results from 80 farms and discuss what they tell us about soil carbon under different land uses in the main soil types of West Gippsland. |
Personal Memories of Lady Eve Balfour
Following our last blog post about Lady Eve Balfour, we received this story from Gwyn Jones. “As a young man, I went to England and