What Are The Benefits Of Holistic Management? Graeme Hand introduces us to the urgency of using animals as a critical step in regenerating our farms. http://farmingsecrets.com
Personal Memories of Lady Eve Balfour
Following our last blog post about Lady Eve Balfour, we received this story from Gwyn Jones. “As a young man, I went to England and
2 Responses
Dear Sirs,
I am a fun of the news letters and live in Ghana,its my dream to work in trying to help peasant farmers in Ghana.My problem is My Organization dose not have the funds to pay for some of the information.
Please is there a way we can be helped?we are in the third world and Organic farming is what we believe will help reduce poverty and diseases in the near future.
Thank you and hope we shall be considered in our proposals sent here.
Dear George, Please make contact to tell us the help you need. Helen