And the key issue is, again, we talked about it earlier, is very, very powerful. It comes down to health.
All of us biologically need 33 plus essential nutrients for our health and well-being. A lot of them we just need as trace elements, parts per billion, because they are critical for those enzymes that Rachel talked about. Without those enzymes we end up with cancers and all sorts of difficulties. So in a sense, maintaining health is the actual thing. You’re not growing food just as bulk tonnes; you are actually in the health business, guys. And that means it’s the nutritional integrity of the food you produce – that’s everything.
So what’s happening now, we’ve got the Chinese going and raiding our supermarket shelves for milk powders to take back to China, to export to China to sell at ten times the price that they are buying here because their powders or whatever they feed their kids – melamine or plastic or whatever – just hasn’t got nutritional integrity, is that right? See, that’s the whole point. We’ve got 7.4 billion people going to 10 billion people who have an existential self interest in that.Every dollar they have is quite comfortably invested in health for themselves, their children, their grandchildren because without that they’re cactus. So the nutritional integrity of their food matters.
We – if we have this restoration farming as we’ve said – we can actually uniquely produce food of very high nutritional integrity, clean green.
This is a clip from “Walk the Talk” with Walter Jehne: Local Solutions With Global Implications filming available for Farming Secrets Members.
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