Maarten Stapper on Australian Story

Dr. Maarten Stapper is one of Farming Secrets leading consultants, and we were stoked to see him feature on ABC’s  “Australian Story” this month!

Maarten is passionate about revealing to farmers hopw to become sustainable and grow mineral dense nutrient rich food.

Dr.Maarten Stapper with team at Farming Secrets
Dr.Maarten Stapper with team at Farming Secrets

If you missed his feature on Australian Story and would like to view it,  please click here

Farming Secrets also supply a wide range of  Dr. Maarten Stapper Film’s which is designed to take you through the steps from conventional to biological farming.

Click here to view Maarten Stapper products!

Tip #5. Are you increasing your soil carbon levels?

We explain how to increase your soil carbon levels
PLUS see the full 10 Tips in this Guide!

8 Responses

  1. I would like to make contact with Maarten Stappers. I also got my first degrees in Wageningen (1956 & 1959), worked for CSIRO (1959-63), then did my PhD in soil science at Cornell University Ithaca NY, and have been working as a consultant since 1988. I am based at 14 Linlithgow Street, Mitcham 3132, and can be contacted on 03-9872 4677.

  2. Hi there.

    I would like to get in contact with Maarten Stapper as am keen to create massive
    land awareness and am working on a project so that we can have funds for research.

    Regards, Sky Hunt

  3. Could you please post contact details for Maarten Stapper, email, snail mail or phone contact numbers would be great.



  4. Hi please can you tell me also how to get in contact with Maarten Stapper through email or phone as involved with a farmer group who are interested in hearing his ideas and broadening their horisons from a productivity and sustainability perspective thanks

  5. Hello Helen – My family recently started up a website called SeedLiving, to enable small and diversified growers to exchange open pollinated seeds, live plants and news with each other. Its a pay what you can website so that everyone can participate. We’re hoping to make a dent in the strength and the profits of the largest seed companies, primarily those who copyright and treat their seeds.

    Seeds and gardening are a billion dollar industry and I would like some of that to trickle down back to the growers devoted to biodiversity. Our goal is to provide an online community for those dedicated growers to learn from each other and possibly gain another source of revenue.

    If you need any help posting items please drop us a line, or, would you help get the word out?

    Anna-Monique West

    On facebook:

    1. Hi Anna-Monique
      I checked out your website and what you are doing is awesome. Well done. Where exactly are you in California?
      It is essential that we maintain our biodiversity and maintain our independence.
      Well done and thank you!
      All the best

  6. I truly appreciate blogs like these that not only provides details just to sell their product but also offers data that is practically valuable to the people who are concerned.

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