Category: Gabe Brown


Grazing is a Tool

Well, realize that grazing is a tool, and it’s not a perfect world. Because of time constraints, there’s times when we don’t graze at as high a stock density as we like. But, in saying that some is better than …

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Why do You Have Noxious Weeds?

What we usually see, you have to get to what’s the real problem here? Why did those noxious weeds, they are just a symptom, why did they start? Well they started because it was over rested really.

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No Need to Go Organic

It’s all about a healthy ecosystem, because if we can improve the diversity, the health of our soils, diversity of the biology, the diversity of the plants above ground, then we’re going to provide the nutrient needs for our livestock.

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An Amazing Demonstration

This little section line there is between the two properties. This is ours over here. It really shows, really depicts. I often wonder what these cattle think of on this side…

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Failure was Not an Option

Well, my whole story is how I really went down this path is I got four years in a row where I lost my crop to hail and drought. My wife and I both took off farm jobs. It was really difficult.

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Saving Money with Cover Crops

The other thing we can use covers for is weed suppression. This was a field of a cover crop of sorghum sudangrass the previous year. This field did not have one. If we have sorghum sudan like that we are going to be able to produce…

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Can You Match Or Beat This?

Now I’m going to show a little video here if I can get this to work, of how fast we can infiltrate an inch of water on our operation. I told you we started, we could infiltrate a half of an inch per hour.

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Cover Cropping Increases Your Profits

What do I do with that cover crop then? Once it’s up and growing. I’ll convert it to dollars in a number of ways. We raise grass finish beef. It’s not difficult at all to get three plus pounds of gain per head per day

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